3600811 ThermoFisher Xt skimmer cone鎳截取錐(飛錐)
3600812 ThermoFisher Xt & Xs sample cone Ni鎳采樣錐樣品錐
3600814 ThermoFisher Skimmer cone mounting screw截取錐安裝螺絲
3004382 ThermoFisher Sampling cone gaskets石墨墊片
1201240 ThermoFisher O-ring Viton 28 mm×1.5 mm C/S O形圈
1202339 ThermoFisher O-ring 6.07×1.78 Viton Teflon coated
1305920 ThermoFisher 泵管
1305940 ThermoFisher PC3Drain line with grey/grey peristaltic pump tube
1041071 ThermoFisher Teflon drain tube, 1/16 OD, 0.04 ID毛細管
1600061 ThermoFisher Teflon uptake tube, 1/16 OD 0.02 IDsample uptake tube毛細管
1281360 ThermoFisher O-ring free, ICP-MS quartz torch
1305760 ThermoFisher 2 mm ID O-ring free, quartz injector, in PFA base
4600296 ThermoFisher Assy conn 4×6 mm Push Fitseal氣管接頭
3601219 ThermoFisher Silver screen (torch Ag shield fixed)銀屏蔽圈
3601149 ThermoFisher Quartz torch bonnet石英帽
1200212 ThermoFisher 廢液泵管
3601145 ThermoFisher 炬管
4600347 ThermoFisher Xt Interface Kit, includes
3600811 ThermoFisher Xt skimmer cone (1 pc)
3600812 ThermoFisher Xt and Xs sample cone (1 pc)
3600814 ThermoFisher Skimmer cone mounting screws (1 pc)
3601320 ThermoFisher Xt skimmer cone adapter (1 pc)
3601320 ThermoFisher Xt skimmer cone adapter截取錐底座
3600815 ThermoFisher Xt Skimmer toolCone tool for fitting/refitting skimmer cone
3600828 ThermoFisher Sample cone toolTool for fitting/removing sample cones
3600725 ThermoFisher 取樣錐夾環
3601298 ThermoFisher ICP配件
1600284 ThermoFisher O-ring AS040 Viton® 72.75×1.78O-ring for skimmer cone
4600539 ThermoFisher Xs interface kit, includes
3200860 ThermoFisher Nickel Xs skimmer cone (1 pc)
3200918 ThermoFisher Xs skimmer tool (1 pc)
3200860 ThermoFisher Nickel Xs skimmer cone鎳截取錐
3200918 ThermoFisher 配件
4600540 ThermoFisher Pt Xs interface kit, includes
3201101 ThermoFisher Pt Xs skimmer cone (1 pc)
3200918 ThermoFisher Xs skimmer cone tool (1 pc)
3601289 ThermoFisher Pt tipped sample cone (Xt and Xs)鉑金采樣錐樣品錐
3201101 ThermoFisher Xs skimmer cone with Pt tip鉑金截取錐(飛錐)
3004382 ThermoFisher Xt型Ni截取錐小的
3600811 ThermoFisher 樣品錐大的采樣錐
3600812 ThermoFisher MS錐座
3600813 ThermoFisher MS錐座螺絲
3600814 ThermoFisher RF發生器
3600965 ThermoFisher ICP-MS1.5mm炬管
3601145 ThermoFisher Xseries 1.5mm炬管
3601146 ThermoFisher 石英護套
3601149 ThermoFisher Ag屏蔽圈
3601219 ThermoFisher 鉑金采樣錐IcapQ
3601289 ThermoFisher 鎳錐座
3601320 ThermoFisher 自動進樣針
36500525 中心塊
401317278261 ThermoFisher 氣液分離器-原子吸收
401322931741 ThermoFisher 交流接觸器
401322980521 ThermoFisher 原子吸收MKI電源控制板
420116693213 ThermoFisher 空芯陰極燈反射鏡
420117208092 ThermoFisher 原吸霧化室下面的單向閥
420117208121 ThermoFisher MKI全自動氣體模塊-M6
420122800041 ThermoFisher 5-12V電源
420122900181 ThermoFisher 24V電源
420122900191 ThermoFisher 原子吸收用水流量傳感器
420122900231 ThermoFisher M5馬達-M6原吸使用
420217200371 ThermoFisher 全自動氣體模塊
420217200491 ThermoFisher 燈座-M6
420217200511 ThermoFisher 點火開關熄火開關
420217203001 ThermoFisher 50MM燃燒頭-原子吸收
420217203181 ThermoFisher 100MM燃燒頭-原子吸收
420217203231 ThermoFisher 燈座板
420217941613 ThermoFisher 自動進樣器
4202467 ThermoFisher 原吸石墨爐氣體模塊
420316684425 ThermoFisher MS石英窗
430117220421 ThermoFisher 水管路接頭等
430117220461 ThermoFisher 微動開關
430117223171 ThermoFisher MKI干燥管icap
430122820271 ThermoFisher 抑制劑
430122821331 ThermoFisher 霧化器ICP-MS
4600294-03 ThermoFisher MS用耐氫氟酸霧化室惰性霧化室
4600295 ThermoFisher 水管接頭4*6
4600296 ThermoFisher 截取錐采樣錐包
4600347 ThermoFisher 耐HF酸霧化器-MS
4600356 ThermoFisher 維護套件工具
4600433 ThermoFisher RF xyz 板
4600438 ThermoFisher MS氣體模塊
4600439 ThermoFisher 直流電源板
4600441 ThermoFisher 小電腦
4600444 ThermoFisher RF電源質譜
4600447 ThermoFisher 蠕動泵MS蠕動三通道
4600451 ThermoFisher MS用水流傳感器
4600453 ThermoFisher X2工作線圈
4600473 ThermoFisher E2M28機械泵
4600476 ThermoFisher HF酸霧化室
4600495 ThermoFisher ICPMS霧化器
4600508 ThermoFisher 離子鏡板
4600547 ThermoFisher 四級桿發生器
4600548 ThermoFisher (ICAP)TUP型垂直炬管
842312051141 ThermoFisher 霧化室轉接頭-直
842312051151 ThermoFisher Tulip雙向炬管
842312051241 ThermoFisher 轉接頭-彎
842312051251 ThermoFisher icap有機霧化室
842312051311 ThermoFisher V形槽霧化器
842312051321 ThermoFisher 高鹽霧化器
842312051331 ThermoFisher tup型1.0mm中心管
842312051341 ThermoFisher Tup型1.5mm中心管
842312051351 ThermoFisher tup型2.0mm中心管
842312051371 ThermoFisher O型圈套件
842312051401 ThermoFisher 霧化器霧化室連接套件(進樣毛細管帶頭*6+出樣毛細管帶頭*6+3個黑色接口)
842312051402 ThermoFisher iCAP6000霧化室
842312051411 ThermoFisher iCAP6000普通霧化器
842312051431 ThermoFisher 霧化室(HF)
842312051451 ThermoFisher